The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Cybersecurity Freelancer

Become your boss with your Cybersecurity Skills!

Taimur Ijlal
5 min readApr 12, 2024


It is not a secret that we are living in rather unprecedented times.

The tough job market + the AI monster seems to be a deadly combination

Tech jobs, seemingly once immune to job losses, have become extremely vulnerable with layoffs happening left and right.

Cybersecurity is also no exception.

While every company needs to secure its business, that does not mean it cannot outsource or strip down its existing cybersecurity function.

Giants like Proofpoint, Splunk,Okta have announced cutting back on their cybersecurity spending .. something that was unthinkable a few years back

At the same time, this new world has opened up the potential for each person to become a one-person business.

Do not wait for your employer to make your job redundant, but look at other means of monetizing your cybersecurity skills.

This is where Cybersecurity freelancing can become a great career choice



Taimur Ijlal

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